Soul Metrics provides spiritual health coaching and training for Christian leaders or for anyone who seeks to deepen their relationship with God, to gain a healthier sense of identity, and to develop a greater level of empathy for their fellow human beings.
The GPS Spiritual Inventory
A Christ-Centered Approach to Spiritual Health
The God-Personal-Social (GPS) Spiritual Inventory assesses the depth of your relationship with God, the level of your self-differentiation, and your capacity for empathy for others. These make up the three components of GPS Spiritual Health. Within each category, there are three markers that help us to better define and measure your spiritual health. These factors and this assessment have been established, proven reliable, and shown as valid through state of the art statistical analysis.
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At the heart of spiritual health is our relationship with God. Trust, communication, and intimacy form the basis for a healthy and transformative relationship with God. Love begins in God. We receive it in relationship with God.

In the biblical principle to love God and to love our neighbor as ourselves, the love of self often gets neglected. Only when we learn to forgive, regulate emotions, and allow ourselves to become vulnerable in our relationships will the love of God translate into the love of neighbor.

Empathy determines our capacity to love others. By learning to listen to others and feel what others feel, we will be more willing and able to actively love other people in a healthy way. Loving others is the product of a healthy relationship with God and self.
About Us
Rev. Dr. Paul Burns, executive director and founder
Paul Burns is the creator of the GPS Spiritual Inventory.